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NEW PUBLICATION ON TiO2 - INDICATES NO SIGNIFICANT CONCERNS FOR GENOTOXICITY!!! - A weight of evidence review of the genotoxicity of titanium dioxide (TiO₂)

An independent expert panel of world-class toxicologists has done an exhaustive review of all pertinent studies related to the potential for TiO2 genotoxicity and just published their detailed report at: A weight of evidence review of the genotoxicity of titanium dioxide (TiO₂) - ScienceDirect

The most important take-away point from this publication is the conclusion which states: "The 34 robust datasets reviewed here, do not support a direct DNA-damaging mechanism for TiO2 in either the nano or micro form."

This demonstrates, once again, that there are major flaws in the EFSA Opinion of E171 and that both EFSA and the EU Commission should re-assess their recent ban of TiO2 in foods and certainly not try to extend the ban to pharmaceuticals. Other regulators around the world should also study this publication before making any decisions to ban E171. This is a VERY important publication to bring forward the real science related to TiO2 safety!! There simply is no scientific justification for saying that TiO2 is not safe for foods and pharmaceuticals at this time!!

David Schoneker