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THE LATEST ON TiO2 - What do 681 Drug Tablets and 4,080 Skittles Have in Common?

If you want to know what the real risks might be for the use of TiO2 (E171) in pharmaceuticals, you NEED to read this article from independent toxicology expert Lyle Burgoon!!! See the link below. Please read both this article as well as the detailed article at the link within this article which shows how he did his calculations that resulted with these incredible numbers!!

The BOTTOM LINE....even if we were to believe that the overly precautionary genotoxicity concerns voiced by EFSA were true (and we know that is simply not true as smartly seen by regulators like Health Canada, the UK FSA and recently FSANZ who did detailed scientific assessments of the data), the actual risks to a patient would be essentially zero unless that patient were to take 681 tablets every 6 hours (4 times a day), every day for the next 8.5 years!!!!!

Of course, if you actually took this many tablets of anything, you would have much bigger problems than worrying about some potential genotoxicity!!!

This detailed scientific assessment of the data shows you just how ridiculous this whole ban of TiO2 (E171) is in Europe, especially as the EU Commission now asks EMA to consider the impact of extending the food ban to pharmaceuticals!! REALLY???

That would make NO SENSE whatsoever, given the risks indicated in Dr. Burgoon's assessment at the link below! Especially since any ban of TiO2 (E171) for pharma uses would absolutely result in many key medications being withdrawn from the European market leaving patients and health care workers with significant drug shortages which actually would be a REAL patient safety risk as opposed to the completely insignificant risk from using TiO2 (E171) (as shown in this article). And, of course, the reformulation costs for those drug products that might be modified (where this is even possible) would drive up drug costs significantly for patients and insurers.

The EU Commission and EMA need to carefully consider this exposure risk assessment information before making any decisions on the future use of TiO2 (E171) in pharmaceuticals. Additionally, the Commission should really re-assess their overly precautionary ban on food uses of this material since the risks there are also ridiculously low (see Dr. Burgoon's calculation of the risks related to eating 4080 Skittles per day for 9 years).

I can only hope that some degree of scientific intelligence and credibility will emerge and stop these unwarranted bans of one of the most important food and pharmaceutical ingredients in the world!!! Political toxicology driven by media hype and consumer group theories cannot be allowed to rule the day here!! SCIENCE MUST PREVAIL!!!

What do 681 Drug Tablets and 4,080 Skittles Have in Common? - The Toxic Truth Blog

David Schoneker