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Health Canada finds Food Use of TiO2 to be SAFE!!

There is some BIG NEWS related to TiO2 and Canada!

A Notice from Health Canada was published on Monday regarding their Food Directorate's State of the Science of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) as a Food Additive Report which essentially gives TiO2 a clean bill of health in Canada for use in foods and pharma. Here is the link to the notice and information on how to get the full report:

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) as a food additive: Current science report -

Here are the key points from that summary notice which are critically important and that need to be communicated to all regulators in countries who are considering a ban of TiO2 in foods based on the overly precautionary EFSA Opinion.

Overall, the Food Directorate's comprehensive review of the available science of TiO2 as a food additive showed:
· no evidence of cancer or other adverse effects in mice and rats exposed to high concentrations of food-grade TiO2 (long-term or lifetime study)
· no changes to DNA in various animal studies
· no adverse effects on reproduction, development, immune, gastrointestinal or nervous systems, or general health when rats were exposed from pre-conception to adulthood

In summary, the Food Directorate's position is that there is no conclusive scientific evidence that the food additive TiO2 is a concern for human health. This is based on a review of the available scientific data relevant to food uses of TiO2. However, they will continue to monitor the emerging science on the safety of TiO2 as a food additive and may revisit their position if new scientific information becomes available.

David Schoneker