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Announcements and Regulatory Updates

Potential Global Regulatory Impact of the EU E171 Ban on Dietary Supplements and Pharmaceuticals – ExciPerience speech by Dave Schoneker

At the recent ExciPerience Virtual Conference, I gave a presentation on TiO2 titled: “Potential Global Regulatory Impact of the EU E171 Ban on Dietary Supplements and Pharmaceuticals”. This presentation summarizes the current situation related to the EU Ban of TiO2 (E171) and provides information about the scientific questions that exist concerning the EFSA Opinion which triggered this Ban. The presentation also explains the significant challenges that would exist if the EU were to consider banning E171 for Pharmaceutical Uses. There is also an update on what other regulators are doing around the world. You can access this presentation at the following link:

Potential Global Regulatory Impact of the EU E171 Ban on Dietary Supplements and Pharmaceuticals - ExciPerience speech by Dave Schoneker - Pharma Excipients

David Schoneker