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Pharma groups fight proposed ban on titanium dioxide in Europe

Here is a great article (see link below) that was published recently in RAPS that provides a summary of the current TiO2 situation as it relates to pharma in the EU and ongoing industry efforts to bring science into the discussion.

Of course, the big information that has now come out on Nov. 24th, which is not covered in this article, is that JECFA (Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives) has published their opinion on the safety of TiO2 and JECFA concluded that they have no safety concerns with TiO2. The JECFA review included world-class toxicology and safety experts from all over the world. Here is their key summary statement from their report:

"In light of the very low oral absorption of INS171 (TiO2), and in the absence of any identifiable hazard associated with INS171 in the diet, the JECFA reaffirmed the ADI “not specified” established in 1969." 

Therefore, this JECFA Opinion adds even more global support to the conclusions of regulatory agencies around the world who have all said that there are no safety concerns with the use of TiO2 in foods or pharmaceuticals (as outlined in this article). Only the EU and some countries who blindly follow the EU, have indicated a concern and this was simply based on the precautionary principle and a flawed EFSA Opinion, not any real evidence of a safety concern. Hopefully the EU and the few countries who are following them will reconsider their decision on TiO2 now that JECFA has published their global opinion which most countries utilize to develop their safety positions on food additives. Will Europe listen?? I hope so!!

David Schoneker