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More data supporting TiO2 Safety - Extended one-generation reproductive toxicity study of food-grade titanium dioxide E171 with emphasis on reproductive and endocrine endpoints

To address EFSA’s concerns, an EOGRT study of E171 was conducted in accordance with Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Test Guideline No. 443 [25]. Dosing of the F0 parental generation was begun at 10 weeks pre-mating to ensure exposure throughout the full spermatogenic period prior to assessment of fertility. All three F1 cohorts (1 A/1B, 2 A/2B, and 3) were included to assess potential reproductive/developmental endpoints, the developing nervous system, and the developing immune system, respectively; in addition, Cohort 1B was mated to produce F2 generation offspring, and a satellite group of F0 animals was assessed for ACF formation in the colon to address the potential for formation of preneoplastic lesions in the gastrointestinal tract. Lastly, blood and urine concentrations of titanium were determined in F0, F1, and F2 animals as a measure of potential oral absorption of E171. The results of this study provide scientifically robust information regarding the reproductive toxicity and preneoplastic potential of E171 that should be considered in establishing the ADI.

Here is the link to the peer-reviewed published study:

Extended one-generation reproductive toxicity study of food-grade titanium dioxide E171 with emphasis on reproductive and endocrine endpoints - ScienceDirect

David Schoneker