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4,080 Skittles per Day, DNA Damage and the Law

A California resident's lawsuit prompted an expert toxicologist to look at just how many Skittles would it take to reach the dose required to see genotoxicity. Bottom-line: it's very unlikely to ever happen. Do you really think people might eat 4080 Skittles every day for over 9 years? I doubt that!!

A couple of weeks ago, a California resident filed a class action lawsuit against Mars, Inc., the maker of Skittles. The plaintiff alleges that Skittles “are unfit for human consumption because they contain titanium dioxide.” The plaintiff alleges that titanium dioxide is a “known toxin.” Well, that is simply not true and even EFSA in Europe has never said this! They simply said there were some uncertainties. Read this very interesting article which puts things into perspective and shows how this lawsuit is a complete nuisance suit that is not based on any scientifically credible data or real consumer risk!!

Check out this article from Lyle Burgoon at: 4,080 Skittles per Day, DNA Damage and the Law - The Toxic Truth Blog

David Schoneker